
Archive Dives: Geer-Murray Collection

FRI | 9 a.m. | YouTube | Sep. 1 | Oct. 6 | Nov. 3
Librarians Michael and Sandy dive into the Oshkosh Public Library Collections to see what unique collections lurk behind locked doors, dark basements, and hidden shelves. Well, none of it is really hidden, but it often feels hidden in plain sight! 

  • The Mark Gruenwald Collection  
  • Hidden Photos  
  • Geer-Murray Collection

Banned Book Club at Planet Perk

TUES | 5 p.m. | Planet Perk | Sept. 19 | Oct. 17 | Nov. 14
Each month we explore banned and challenged books guided by Librarian Nancy Bell. Discover the reasons behind censorship and engage in safe and thought-provoking discussions with fellow readers. If you value your freedom to read, this is the book club for you.


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