Adults | Under the Dome
Maxwell James, a master of zine-making and cartoon/character drawing, will share his expertise as he guides you through his creative process. Learn from one of the best in the business.
Adults | Under the Dome
Maxwell James, a master of zine-making and cartoon/character drawing, will share his expertise as he guides you through his creative process. Learn from one of the best in the business.
Freedom to Read Video Series
THUR | 10 a.m. | YouTube | Sept. 28 | Oct. 5 | Oct. 12 | Oct. 19 | Oct. 26
What is the difference between banning and challenging? Can a book be un-banned? I’ve heard of Banned Books Week, but what is Freedom to Read? Is the Freedom to Read a protected right? Get answers to these questions and more by watching short videos presented by Readers’ Advisory Librarian Nancy Bell on the library’s YouTube channel.
THUR | 10 a.m. | YouTube | Sept. 28 | Oct. 5 | Oct. 12 | Oct. 19 | Oct. 26
What is the difference between banning and challenging? Can a book be un-banned? I’ve heard of Banned Books Week, but what is Freedom to Read? Is the Freedom to Read a protected right? Get answers to these questions and more by watching short videos presented by Readers’ Advisory Librarian Nancy Bell on the library’s YouTube channel.
THUR | 10 a.m. | YouTube | Sept. 28 | Oct. 5 | Oct. 12 | Oct. 19 | Oct. 26
What is the difference between banning and challenging? Can a book be un-banned? I’ve heard of Banned Books Week, but what is Freedom to Read? Is the Freedom to Read a protected right? Get answers to these questions and more by watching short videos presented by Readers’ Advisory Librarian Nancy Bell on the library’s YouTube channel.
106 Washington Avenue
Oshkosh, WI 54901
Phone: 920.236.5205 (Info Services)
Directions to Library
Mon. - Thurs. 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Friday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sunday 1 - 5 p.m.
The Oshkosh Public Library is a member of the Winnefox Library System.