
Freedom to Read Video Series: History of Banned Books Week

THUR | 10 a.m. | YouTube | Sept. 28 | Oct. 5 | Oct. 12 | Oct. 19 | Oct. 26

What is the difference between banning and challenging? Can a book be un-banned? I’ve heard of Banned Books Week, but what is Freedom to Read? Is the Freedom to Read a protected right? Get answers to these questions and more by watching short videos presented by Readers’ Advisory Librarian Nancy Bell on the library’s YouTube channel.

Freedom to Read Video Series: Terms and Definitions

Freedom to Read Video Series
THUR | 10 a.m. | YouTube | Sept. 28 | Oct. 5 | Oct. 12 | Oct. 19 | Oct. 26

What is the difference between banning and challenging? Can a book be un-banned? I’ve heard of Banned Books Week, but what is Freedom to Read? Is the Freedom to Read a protected right? Get answers to these questions and more by watching short videos presented by Readers’ Advisory Librarian Nancy Bell on the library’s YouTube channel.

Estate Planning Workshop: Special Needs Trusts for Adult Children

Estate Planning Workshop

TUES | 2 p.m. | Lower Level
Special Needs Trusts for Adult Children

Parents of adult children with special needs play a crucial role in their child’s well-being.In this session, learn what a Special Needs Trust is, critical stes to take in creating a plan, and the importance of planning for yourself as you plan for your child's future.
Presenter: Attorney Aaron Haller of Levine Eisberner LLC.

Estate Planning Workshop: The Importance of Powers of Attorney

Estate Planning Workshop
TUES | 2 p.m. | Lower Level
The Importance of Powers of Attorney (Financial and Healthcare)
What are powers of attorney, how do they work and why are they important? This session will explore:

  • Planning options.
  • Who can make financial and healthcare decisions on your behalf.
  • What to consider when designating Powers of Attorney.

Presenter: Attorney Aaron Haller of Levine Eisberner LLC.


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