Library users are responsible for the proper care of all library materials. Any damage should be reported upon the return of the items. Library users are required to abide by copyright restrictions on the use of DVDs, videos, sound recordings, and all other materials.
Replacement Fees
Most newer library materials have a specific replacement cost. Fees listed here apply if there is not a specific replacement cost listed in our automated system. Please call 236-5203 if you have questions about lost or damaged materials.
Adult/Young Adult Material*
- Books on CD - $40
- Compact Disc - $12
- DVD - $15
- Book (includes Large Print) - $20
- ILL Item - $100
- Magazine - $5
- Microfilm - $100
- Newspaper, Pamphlets - $2
- Reference Book - $80
Children's Material
- Book - $12
- Books on CD - $25
- Compact Disc - $12
- DVD - $15
- Magazine - $5
- Toy/Puppet/Game - $20
* Prices may be higher if replacement cost is significantly more than the price listed here.